Having a good HRM strategy, adequate contracts and internal rules and procedures are some of the basic prerequisites for a successful business. New business conditions and technological advancements have brought a new dimension to labor relations and their regulation. Often the main challenge is to keep up with all the changes in the legislation. We can help you overcome all these challenges. Our team provides the following services:
▪ drafting / amending all general and individual acts of the employer (rulebooks, decisions, decisions and other acts of the employer governing the field of labor law),
▪ drafting / modification of employment contracts, temporary and temporary work contracts, employment contracts, professional training and education contracts, etc.
▪ the procedure for determining the damage caused to the employer and the employee and all accompanying acts,
▪ Occupational safety and health counseling ▪ representation in all types of labor law disputes (individual and collective; annulment of dismissal decisions, injuries at work, occupational diseases, discrimination, mobbing, etc.);
▪ work permits and employment of foreigners, etc.